Joint Pain Specialist

When you have joint pain, you want to find relief, as well as a treatment that will heal your joints. This is where Dr. Sholom Gootzeit of Sheitelman Physical Medicine of Surprise, AZ can assist you. By working with a variety of procedures in regenerative medicine, including stem cell therapy and PRP injections, Dr. Gootzeit can help resolve your joint pain.

Joint Pain Q & A

How is Joint Pain Treated Using Stem Cell Therapy?

The use of stem cell therapy to treat joint pain is a common occurrence in the field of regenerative medicine. Stem cell therapy involves the use of stem cells, such as amniotic stem cells or adipose cells. This type of therapy uses your own cells whenever possible for the greatest rate of acceptance. Stem cell therapy can be used to regenerate blood, bone, skin, or tissue cells that are lost or diseased within your joints. By regrowing new material within your joints you are saved from having to go under the knife for a knee replacement. Considering how risky knee replacement surgery is for individuals, the use of stem cell therapy as an outpatient and minimally invasive procedure is highly recommended.

What can PRP Injections Do for Treating My Joint Pain?

If you are suffering from joint pain, consider the benefits of PRP injections. Platelet rich plasma therapy uses your blood cells to create a concentrated plasma. This nutrient rich material is then injected in or around your joints as a way to boost the healthy blood in these areas. This encourages healing of your joints, as well as reduces inflammation of the joints. When the swelling and inflammation subsides in your joints you are on your way to becoming free of joint pain. Furthermore, this treatment can help to speed up injuries of the joints, so that you can improve your mobility and joint function.

Why Should I Consider Sheitelman Physical Medicine of Surprise, AZ for My Joint Pain?

Here at Sheitelman Physical Medicine of Surprise, AZ, we offer comprehensive solutions for joint pain. Whether you have diseased joints due to arthritis or wear and tear or you have injured or traumatized your joints, we can help you. Using regenerative therapies, including stem cell therapy, PRP injections, and manipulation under anesthesia, we can get to the cause of your joint pain.

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